Hippo Crew Members
Join the Hippo Crew and help us sell your items!
Make more $$ and Shop early!

A shift is just 4 hours.
Do one, two, three or four shifts. You decide!
Increase your percentage up to 80%
Just login to the website and click on worker shifts to view all the available shifts. (Please check the consignor Facebook group for the date that shifts open)
We LOVE all our Hippo Crew Members. They make our events run as smooth as butter! and we have a herd of Hippo Fun!
Make a higher percentage and shop even earlier!
Get out of the house and meet people in your community!
Come join us at a Hippo Event because let’s face it…We are a lot of fun (at least we think so!)

4 Crew Member shifts (Tier 5)
Make 80%
Shop on Weds. at 6pm
Shop early 50% off on Sat. at 1pm
Water/Soda/Snacks provided
3 Crew Member shifts (Tier 4)
Make 75%
Shop on Weds. at 6pm
Shop early 50% off on Sat. at 1pm
Water/Soda/Snacks provided
2 Crew Member shifts (Tier 3)
Make 70%
Shop on Weds. at 7pm
Shop early 50% off on Sat. at 1pm
Water/Soda/Snacks provided
1 Crew Member shift (Tier 2)
Earn 65%
Shop on Weds. at 7pm
Shop early 50% off on Sat. at 1pm
Water/Soda/Snacks provided
Crew Member FAQs
How do I sign up for a shift?
It’s simple. Just log on to the website. Then under the activities menu select worker shifts. A list of the available shifts will be shown.
Just find a shift that works for you and click the sign up button.
Make sure to add it to your phone’s calendar so you don’t forget.
We will send you a reminder email about your shift the day before.
What do you do during a shift?
We have many different types of shifts. Some are during set up or drop off. Others are while we are open for shoppers.
During set up, you will help with putting up signs, moving tables, putting out baskets and other things.
During drop off, you will help assist put out items and help other consignors with drop off.
If you like to organize, then Weds is the day for you. That’s the day we inspect and make everything look good for shoppers by organizing all the items.
While we are open to shoppers, you will assist shoppers, keep things neat and tidy, help with shop and drop and big ticket items.
There is a brief description next to the shifts to give you an idea of what you will be doing. Please pick a shift that you like to do.
Can I bring my child with me?
As much as we would love to have your child there, we ask that you don’t bring them because it’s hard to keep them with you and help us too.
If you have an infant that you can wear in a carrier/sling or wrap and the infant will stay in the carrier the whole time, you can bring them.
Can someone help with me?
Unfortunately, we can not allow a friend, family member or child to help with out being a consignor.
I am doing a shift during drop off, can I just drop off my items while I am there?
We are all about saving gas and time. You can select a drop off appointment right before your shift or right after you shift so you don’t have to make another shift.
I can't make my shift, what do I do?
If an emergency happens and you can’t make it, please let us know as soon as you can. Send us an email, a facebook message or post in the Consignor group on Facebook. We try to check messages periodically during the events.
We rely on the crew member schedule to know how much help we will have and if you don’t come, that makes us short handed. The sooner you can tell us, the better you will make it for us so we adjust the positions during that shift.
If you just don’t show up, there is a $25 no show fee that will be deducted from your check and you will not be allowed to sign up for a crew member shift in the future.
I forgot about my shift, what now?
Oh no! We all get busy and forget sometimes. If you will be late, send us a quick message to let us know. We would rather you be late than not come at all.
We promise to do our part and help you remember your shift. We will send out reminder emails the day before your shift.
If you just don’t show up, there is a $25 no show fee that will be deducted from your check.

What do Crew Members do?
They help in many areas of the sale from helping during drop off, helping during the event, help with pick up, assisting shoppers and help with break down and clean up.
Crew Member’s Do’s and Don’ts
Do arrive a few minutes early. Sign in, get an apron and find out where you will be helping.
Do wear comfortable shoes. There will be a lot of walking or standing. If you can’t stand/walk, please let us know so we can accomodate you.
Do bring your smiling attitude! We are working with customers so a smile can go a long way!
Don’t bring your purse. We recommend that you lock your purse in your car and put you keys in the pockets on the aprons.
Don’t Bring your child with you. We love kids but kids at the event while you are helping just doesn’t work. We ask that you leave your child with a babysitter while you are helping at The Hippo Events.