Welcome Back!
We are excited to have you consign with us again!
Dates to remember for the Spring 2025 Events:
Deadline for entering in items:
**Children’s Event Sun. Feb. 16th at NOON
**Teen/Adult Event: Sun. Feb. 23rd at 4pm
Crew member shifts will open for sign ups on Sun. January 19th
- Drop off days! (you can now sign up for appointments when you register)
**Children’s Event– Tues. Feb.18th 11am to 8:30pm
**Teen/Adult Event– Tues. Feb. 25th 2:30pm to 8:30pm
- Pick up days! (you can now sign up for appointments when you register)
**Children’s Event– Sun. Feb, 23rd 6pm to 9pm & Mon. Feb. 24th 9am to 10am
**Teen/Adult Event– Sun. March 2nd 6pm to 9pm & Mon. March 3rd 9am to 10am
What’s New?
Party Supplies has a limit of 5 items at BOTH events.
- Drop off and pick up appointments are now open when you register.
Teen/Adult event — Spring Holiday Decorations has a limit of 10 items.
NO Stuffed Animals unless it does something like sing, talk, etc. This includes beanie babies and disney stuffed animals. Do NOT mark stuffed animals as pillows. These items will be pulled and count towards your No thank you count!
You can consign up to 5 Squishmallows and 5 Build a Bear items and 5 pillow pets. Please use the correct category for these items.
75% off discount sale will be on Sunday for 1.5 hours. All items that are marked for discount will be included in the 75% off.
DVDs/Blu-Rays have a limit of 10 at BOTH events.
Music CD’s, Computer games, Tablets, laptops, computers , gaming systems and printers are no longer accepted.
No longer accepting Mattresses and Crib Bumpers.
Business Suits (ladies or men) can not be sold at the Teen/Adult Event.
Furniture at the Teen/Adult event that is NOT marked for donate, you can not change your mind after you drop it off and have the item donated.
LARGE Furniture items CAN NOT be donated. (items like couches, china cabinets, large entertainment centers, large dining room tables, etc.)
Opened boxed puzzles are NO longer accepted.
Join our Facebook Consignor Only group to get all the consignor info! Click here to join the group

Thanks for being apart of The Hippo Family!!
Countdown to the Back to School 2023 Children's Deadline
Countdown to the Back to School 2023 Teen/Adult Deadline
Consignor FAQ’s
Where can I find my shopping time?
Shopping times are listed under the event schedule link in the menu section at the top of the website.
Pre-sale shopping for Consignors and Crew Members are on Weds. before the event opens to the public.
What's a Double D-er?
A Double D-er is a consignor who marks ALL their items for discount and donate.
As a Double D-er, you get special privileges like:
The first one to shop 50% off sale. You get to shop at Noon on Saturday for an in-person event!
Please note: Large furniture items can NOT be donated. This will not affect your DD-er status.
For an online event DD-ers shop before consignors!
When you discount your items, you will see that you will sell more of your items too! AND you are donating to a great charity.
I am a Restock Consignor what does that mean?
We only have so much space for so many items and once we hit the max that we can hold, anyone who registers after we reach our limit is a restock consignor.
A restock consignor is a consignor who restocks our shelves before we open to the public.
As a restock consignor, you get an extended time to enter in your items and you will drop off your items on Friday instead of Tues. Restock consignors have until the Friday of your event at 9am to enter in their items and print tags.
As a restock consignor, you still get the same percentage and you still get your early shopping privileges. You can even be a Crew Member too!
Don’t Fret if you are a restock consignor, we have found that restock consignors sell the same percentage of their items (sometimes more!) than a regular consignor. Why? Because our shoppers know new items come in on Friday and they come back and shop again!
There are no restock consignors for the online events.
What is a Hippo Crew Member?
Great Question! A Hippo Crew Member is a Consignor that chooses to be more hands on with the Hippo Events by helping during the events.
We list all the times we are looking for help during the event and as a Crew Member you select the times you would like to help.
As a consignor you choose your tier level which effects the amount of commission you pay to us to sell your items.
Here are the Tier levels:
- Tier One — Consignor with no Crew Member shifts (make 65%)
- Tier Two — Consignor with one Crew Member shift (make 65% and earlier shopping times)
- Tier Three — Consignor with two Crew Member shifts (make 70% and earlier shopping times)
- Tier Four — Consignor with three Crew Member shifts (make 75% and earlier shopping times)
- Tier Five — Consignor with four Crew Member shifts (make 80% and earlier shopping times)
I need wire hangers! Where can I get them?
You can get wire hangers from many places. Walmart and Target both sell them. You can also buy them from a dry cleaner. Some consignors have ordered them from Amazon.
We also buy wire hangers in bulk and sell them to consignors at our cost which is 12 cents a hanger.
We schedule pick up times for you to meet up with us and get your hangers.
What's the split?
The base split is 65/35 which means you make 65% and you pay us a commission of 35%. You are prepping, pricing and tagging your items and dropping them off. Then we take over and we sell the items for you for a 35% commission.
The 35% commission that you pay us to sell your items covers the cost of rent, marketing/advertising, credit card fees, all the equipment used to set up the event, processing payments, running the event itself and other related cost. If you would like to help us during an event you can pay us a smaller commission.
We know not everyone can help out during the event that’s why we offer different tier levels for consignors. Each tier has different splits. The more crew member shifts the less commission you pay to us and there are those earlier shopping privileges too!
Here are the Consignor Tier levels:
- Tier One — Consignor with no Crew Member shifts (65/35 split)
- Tier Two — Consignor with one Crew Member shift (65/35 split and earlier shopping times)
- Tier Three — Consignor with two Crew Member shifts (70/30 split and earlier shopping times)
- Tier Four — Consignor with three Crew Member shifts (75/25 split and earlier shopping times)
- Tier Five — Consignor with four Crew Member shifts (80/20 split and earlier shopping times)
Please note: There are no crew member shifts during online events. We only one two consignor tiers available which are Tier One and Busy Mom tier.
Consignor Tiers? I am confused!
It’s just a fancy way of you choosing your involvement with The Hippo Events. Some like to have The Hippo Events do all the work of selling their items which means they get the base 65% and pay Hippos a commission of 35% for selling their items. Others want to be more involved in the process and pay us less of a commission.
Each Tier has a different level of involvement with different levels of splits (your percentage and the commission you pay to us). The more crew member shifts you decide to do, the less commission you pay to us.
Here are the different tier levels:
- Tier One — Consignor with no Crew Member shifts (make 65%)
- Tier Two — Consignor with one Crew Member shift (make 65% and earlier shopping times)
- Tier Three — Consignor with two Crew Member shifts (make 70% and earlier shopping times)
- Tier Four — Consignor with three Crew Member shifts (make 75% and earlier shopping times)
- Tier Five — Consignor with four Crew Member shifts (make 80% and earlier shopping times)
Please note: There are no crew member shifts during online events. We only one two consignor tiers available which are Tier One and Busy Mom tier.
Register to Consign at the Children’s Event
Deadline for the Spring 2025 Children’s event is Sun. Feb. 16th at Noon.
All items must be entered by the deadline.
Register to Consign at the Teen/Adult Event
Deadline for the Spring 2025 Teen/Adult event is Sun. Feb. 23rd at 4pm.
All items must be entered by the deadline.